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Below you will find information about each documentary that supplements Passion for Life. Lesson plans are also available for these excellent documentaries.
Theodore Roosevelt and The American Century![]() | Known during his time as "the American Lion," Theodore Roosevelt led the U.S. into the 20th Century. He was the first president to travel abroad, the first to travel on an airplane -- a grandiose figure of huge personality, Roosevelt led enough life and followed enough passions for five lifetimes. One of his many legacies is the move towards conserving the nation's abundant natural resources for future generations. Produced and Written by David O'Dell. Running Time: (0:30:50) Lesson Plans:Coming Soon! |
Ecology: Pulse of the Planet![]() | As far as we know, planet Earth stands alone as a cradle of life in the universe. Ecological efforts strive to protect the balance that fosters that life. In this documentary, see the important role humans play as stewards of the planet's health, correcting the mistakes of the past century, with specific examples from northern California. Produced and Written by David O'Dell. Running Time: (0:24:12) Lesson Plans:Coming Soon! |
American Dreams: Normal Rockwell & The Saturday Evening Post![]() | Perhaps no artist came to capture the optimistic spirit of America in the first half of the 20th Century better than Norman Rockwell. In an era before television became the mass medium that united the nation, Americans turned to the pages of The Saturday Evening Post to learn about themselves and the world abroad. Facing them on the covers of the most popular issues was a perfectly frozen picture of Americana captured by Rockwell. And yet for all his achievements, he never took comfortably to the label "artist." Produced and Written by Mark Page. Running Time: (0:24:17) Lesson Plans:Coming Soon! |
Art Rebellion: The Making of the Modern![]() | Paris in the last half of the 19th Century was a city on the move. It was a modern metropolis expanding into the future, with electric lights and steel towers. And yet its art was just as staid as it had been for the past 300 years. None of energy and innovation was translated onto the backwards-looking canvas. But some passionate young artists were about to rise up in revolt, to express an edgy new personal vision that would forever change art and the way we see the modern world. Produced and Written by Mark Page. Running Time: (0:26:06) Lesson Plans:Coming Soon! |
Edgar Degas: Reluctant Rebel![]() | Among the ranks of fed-up young artists reshaping the world of modern art was Edgar Degas. At the heart of the movement, Degas stood alone as coming from an aristocratic and wealthy family, unlike his more earthy compatriots. Yet he still managed to shock the art world by observing and painting his fellow Parisians in everyday life. His work with the female nude was particularly striking and scandalous, as he never posed his subjects as "classical artists" would. Political and socially conservative, Degas would nonetheless be branded as a rebel for his landmark works. Produced and Written by Mark Page.Produced and Written by Sharon Wood. Running Time: (0:22:53) Lesson Plans:Coming Soon! |
Braque & Picasso: A Collaboration Cubed![]() | Enthusiasts of maverick artist Pablo Picasso will readily credit him and him alone for envisioning the bold new form of cubism, but a much quieter yet no less integral artist deserves equal mention. George Braque and Pablo Picasso enjoyed a close, collaborative relationship fueled by competitiveness, as each of their new works served as inspiration for the next great achievement. This documentary examines the relationship between Picasso and Braque and the remarkable outcome of their collaboration. Produced and Written by Mark Page. Running Time: (0:23:14) Lesson Plans:Coming Soon! |
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